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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Psalm 23:6

"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
" (Psalm 23:6)

A new year has begun. Indeed a new decade has embarked. This will be my 6th decade. Sixth decade!

As I look back at the 5 decades that have gone by, I can only be thankful and praise the Lord for His unfailing faithfulness. True to his word and promise, He has been with me and protected me, even when I strayed away or tried to stray away.

I can recall the day, when as a little boy I was struck in the head with a rock from another kid in the neighborhood. My head was bleeding and grandma was frantically taking me to the hospital. But the rock missed me in the important, sensitive parts and I recovered just fine.

I can recall the day, when as a youngster I unwisely was running across the road. A truck hit another car, in order to avoid hitting me. The cars were damaged, but I was protected.

I was taken into a locked cell by an older student of my junior high school, for playing around the tennis court that he was leveling. He told me to hit first, so that he can then "retaliate". But the Lord protected me and I came out unscathed.

After coming to the US after junior high, I have met so many angelic people, whom God had prepared for me. On the first day at the high school, I met a history teacher, who loaned me a copy of the textbook so that I could write on it with Korean translation and who took me to a nearby Presbyterian church and introduced me to the youth minister. When we did not yet have a car, God prepared people who gladly gave us rides. Mr. Weinberger, chairman of the science department at Flushing High School, is my teacher forever. I am so indebted to him. He took me aside as if I was his private student. He taught me extra things and sent me to programs so that I would be better prepared for college. Mrs. Han was there when I was in college. Dr. Lowenstein, Deaconess Seong, my aunt, ... And, of course, my family.

Surely goodness and love have and will follow me all the days of my life. Lord, I praise and thank you.

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