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Monday, November 30, 2009

Psalm 6:2

In Korean, there is an expression for the worst body ache one can experience. It is called "Gol Byong" and may be loosely translated as aching down to the bones. This is the type of ache and pain that one gets after being beat up with rods by a gang of enemies. Your body is half dead and, because of the unbearable pain, is actually wishing it were dead.

In Psalm 6:2, the psalmist talks of his bones being in agony. His soul is in anguish. He has been groaning so much that he is worn out from groaning. His eyes grow weak with sorrow. In other words, he has sunk to the very bottom, the pit, the depth of the valley of death, that there is nowhere he can go down further. At that point, he is crying out to the Lord. He is begging for salvation and deliverance. He is appealing to the Lord's unfailing love.

The blessed assurance that he gets is that the Lord hears his cry for mercy and accepts his prayer.

When I am feeling as if my bones are in agony, as if I am beat up, I am assured of the Lord hearing my prayer, when I cry out to him. I know that the Lord will not forsake me, but will be with me always to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Even in the middle of a tempest, I know God is with me and in control. Even in the middle of the worst storm, I know God is with me and in control. Or even in the middle of a desert, I know God is with me and in control. Rain or shine, he is in control and looks after me. I need only to cry out to him and ask for his unfailing love and mercy... because he is my Father and I am not an orphan.


  1. what a moving entry.

    this is not a question related to your post: i'm just wondering why there are three blogs? :) (for essentially the same purposes)

  2. That is my way of sorting my entries. That may help me retrieve the entries later.

  3. understood; i do the same thing.
